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Outdoor Advertising in Detroit

"Detroit, cultural capital and industrial heritage.”

With a population of 670,000 people. Detroit is the 23rd most populous city in the United States.

Detroit took full advantage of its prime geographical location in the 1800s, becoming a major shipping and manufacturing center. One of the largest manufacturing cities in the country, Detroit is a leader in steel, fabricated metal, chemicals, paper products, food, and beverages. The health industry is also among the city's leading employers. Detroit’s economy is already unique. Compared to other cities, Detroit’s diverse economic base has an established foothold in traditional industrial activity and anchor institutions as well as substantial growth in new economy jobs. With easy access to water sports on the Great Lakes and Detroit River, Detroit offers an endless array of outdoor activities. Out of home and Billboard advertising works tremendously great in Detroit.

OOH media connects brands with their audience while they're on the move and provides the ability to target a message where ever you choose.

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Billboard Cost in Detroit

Estimated per location per month

For more specific price:

Format Cost
Large Billboard Range of $4,000 - $15,000
Medium Billboard Range of $3,000 - $6,000
Small Billboard Range of $1,000 - $3,500
Digital Billboard Not Available
Wallscapes Not Available

*Range of rates depends on location, timing, duration. Do you need a more specific pricing? Send us a message at

Detroit Zip Codes: 48127, 48201, 48202, 48203, 48204, 48205, 48206, 48207, 48208, 48209, 48210, 48211, 48212, 48213, 48214, 48215, 48216, 48217, 48219, 48221, 48222, 48223, 48224, 48225, 48226, 48227, 48228, 48231, 48232, 48233, 48234, 48235, 48236, 48238, 48239, 48240, 48243, 48244, 48255, 48260, 48264, 48266, 48267, 48268, 48269, 48272, 48275, 48277, 48278, 48279, 48288.

*Our website information, material, content and images etc. are for informational purposes only.

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