
La Vie Turns London Pink with Humor

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La Vie's new OOH campaign turns London pink with vibrant billboards and iconic cabs, promoting their plant-based ham and sparking conversations on sustainable eating.

La Vie's Bold Entrance into London

French plant-based food brand La Vie is making a bold statement in London, turning the streets pink with a vibrant out-of-home (OOH) campaign to celebrate its meatless ham alternative.

From Tesco and Ocado Success to Waitrose Shelves

After achieving remarkable sales across Tesco and Ocado, La Vie is now rolling out its products onto Waitrose shelves nationwide. This latest campaign aims to catch the eye of Londoners with a series of brightly colored billboards featuring cheeky slogans like: “For those who love animals, the planet, and kids having a future but can’t give up ham sandwiches.” The goal is to spark a conversation about plant-based diets across the country.

Sparking Conversations with Cheeky Billboards

“Our latest OOH campaign invites consumers to embrace the delectable world of La Vie Plant-Based Ham with a playful spirit and a nod to sustainability,” said La Vie CMO, Romain Jolivet. “As iconic London cabs are recreated with our signature pink hue and cheeky billboards captivate audiences nationwide, we aim to ignite conversations about the future of food and the possibilities of plant-based living. We have plenty more surprises in store this summer to inject our plant-based products into the country, so keep your snouts peeled!”

Targeting London's 'Ham-Centric' Areas

The campaign is strategically placed in high-footfall locations, ensuring visibility in some of the city’s most ‘ham-centric’ areas such as Ful(ham), West (Ham)pstead, and even Bucking(ham) Palace. This creative approach not only highlights the product but also adds a playful twist to familiar London landmarks.

Excitement Over Waitrose Partnership

La Vie CEO, Nicolas Schweitzer, expressed excitement about the new partnership with Waitrose: “The overwhelming success of our plant-based ham at Tesco and Ocado propelled us forward, reaffirming the demand for exceptional alternatives in the market. Our partnership with Waitrose marks a significant milestone in our mission to redefine the culinary landscape, offering consumers a truly sumptuous and sustainable choice. We are thrilled to embark on this new chapter and bring a touch of La Vie’s French flair to Waitrose.”

A Fun and Flavorful Future

With this vibrant campaign, La Vie is not just promoting a product but also advocating for a sustainable and delicious alternative to traditional ham. As Londoners encounter the eye-catching pink billboards and cabs, they are reminded of the fun and flavor that comes with choosing plant-based options. Keep an eye out this summer as La Vie continues to roll out exciting surprises and expand its presence across the UK.

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