
Activists Transform Shell Billboards in Protest

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Climate activists hijacked billboards in major cities, targeting Shell’s marketing and sponsorship of British Cycling, exposing the company's controversial environmental impact.

targeting Shell’s advertising and its controversial sponsorship of British Cycling. The guerrilla campaign, orchestrated by the activist collective Brandalism, aims to expose what they term as Shell’s “dodgy PR tactics” just ahead of the oil giant’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in London.

A Bold Statement on Urban Billboards

More than 200 billboards in cities like Manchester, London, and others have been transformed. Bus stops and tube stations are now adorned with messages calling out Shell's environmental impact. This widespread campaign has brought significant attention to the company’s marketing strategies, which activists claim mask the true environmental cost of its operations.

“To quote the tobacco marketers of the 1980s, ‘The problem is how do you sell death?’” said Tona Merriman from Brandalism. “Shell is on a mission to sell its own lethal legacy, using influencers, greenwash advertising, sports sponsorship, and political connections to deflect attention from its growing contribution to climate breakdown. This is reversing decades of progress in health and causing death and destruction worldwide.”

The Echoes of Big Tobacco

Brandalism draws a stark parallel between Shell’s tactics and those used by the tobacco industry in the past. The activists accuse Shell of employing insidious marketing strategies reminiscent of Big Tobacco’s playbook. They criticize advertising and PR agencies for aiding in these efforts rather than holding fossil fuel companies accountable.

“Shell’s insidious tactics are straight out of Big Tobacco’s playbook,” Merriman continued, “enabled by a toxic coterie of advertising and PR agencies who should be helping to kick fossil fuel companies into history, not boosting their brand.”

A Collective Voice Against Corporate Influence

Brandalism, an international collective of artists and activists, was founded as a revolt against the corporate control of culture and public space. Their current campaign shines a light on Shell's use of youth marketing, sports sponsorships, and political lobbying to maintain its public image amidst growing environmental concerns.

Shell and British Cycling Respond

In response to the protests, British Cycling reaffirmed its commitment to both the sport and sustainability. A Shell spokesperson addressed the campaign, emphasizing the company's role in supporting British Cycling and its broader efforts toward energy transition.

“We respect people’s right to express their point of view and welcome any constructive engagement on our strategy and the energy transition,” said the Shell spokesperson. “However, these protest ads are misleading, not constructive, and completely mischaracterize the nature of our partnership with British Cycling. Shell UK continues to support British Cycling and the Great Britain Cycling Team’s cyclists and para-cyclists through the sharing of technology and innovation, widening access to cycling, and accelerating decarbonization efforts.”


The clash between climate activists and Shell highlights the ongoing debate over corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability. As Brandalism's dramatic billboard takeover shows, public dissent against fossil fuel companies' marketing strategies is becoming increasingly visible and vocal. The conversation around climate change and corporate influence is far from over, with both sides steadfast in their positions.

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