
Cadbury's 'Worldwide Hide': Easter Joy Unleashed Globally

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Join Cadbury's 'Worldwide Hide' for a global Easter egg hunt adventure, spreading joy through digital out-of-home innovation and heartfelt connections.

Embracing Digital Out-of-Home Innovation

Cadbury's beloved "Worldwide Hide" campaign is back, and this time it's embracing the digital out-of-home (OOH) realm in an innovative twist. Developed by VCCP, the campaign revives the virtual Easter egg hunt tradition, allowing participants to hide eggs anywhere globally using Google Street View.

Captivating Creativity: Real Clues in Everyday Landscapes

The essence of the campaign is captured through 12 digital out-of-home posters strategically placed to catch attention. These posters showcase real clues from the plethora of participants who engaged in the Worldwide Hide previously, numbering an impressive 300,000. Each clue is ingeniously embedded within everyday landscapes, aiming not only to pique interest but also to raise awareness of the campaign's website.

One striking example of these posters depicts a colossal Cadbury Easter egg adjacent to a tent beneath a picturesque sunrise, accompanied by the tantalizing clue, "I wanna be proposed to here."

Crafting Emotional Resonance

Crafted and curated by VCCP's global content creation studio, Girl & Bear, these ads endeavor to evoke emotional resonance by tapping into shared memories and sentiments. The agency has meticulously selected out-of-home spaces that complement the creative, spanning beachfronts and parks across the UK.

Extending Reach through Innovation

In a groundbreaking move, VCCP has expanded the campaign's reach through 10 30-second Spotify ads, strategically targeting specific playlist interests. Additionally, a TV spot titled "Cadbury Worldwide Hide" beckons viewers to partake in this Easter adventure, set against a backdrop of enchanting locales, from beaches to woodlands.

Amplifying Impact through Omnichannel Engagement

Directed by Ewan Jones Morris and scripted by Aly Golani with artistic direction by Emma Jackson, the TV spot captures the essence of the campaign, urging viewers to engage in the Easter egg hunt phenomenon.

The campaign's omnichannel approach extends to social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, where authentic stories from selected individuals add a personal touch to the narrative. Furthermore, radio, platform, and YouTube ads, along with owned-channel activities, orchestrated by Elvis, serve to amplify the campaign's impact.

Celebrating Moments of Connection

Charlotte Parkes, senior brand manager at Mondelēz International, expressed enthusiasm for fostering generosity through the campaign, highlighting its ability to celebrate cherished moments shared between loved ones.

Starting from February 26th, individuals can register on the Worldwide Hide website to hide an Easter egg and share a personalized clue with a loved one, fostering moments of joy and connection.

Encouraging Reflection and Reminiscence

Zoë Stock, creative director at VCCP London, emphasized the campaign's essence, encouraging participants to reminisce about shared experiences and secret hideaways that hold profound significance in their relationships.

A Legacy of Joy and Connection

This marks Cadbury's fourth consecutive year leveraging the Worldwide Hide platform, a testament to its enduring popularity and the joy it brings to participants worldwide since its inception during the pandemic lockdowns of 2021.

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