Discover Surreal cereals: nutritious, sugar-free, and deliciously flavorful breakfast options now available at Sainsbury's. Taste the brilliance!

A Bold Approach to Advertising

British cereal brand Surreal has launched a one-of-a-kind advertising campaign to promote its healthy products. In a bold move, they placed two salespeople on a billboard, equipped with megaphones, to catch the attention of passersby and tell them more about their cereals.

Direct Communication

The campaign, visible on large billboards, carries the message: "Our high-protein cereals are now at Sainsbury's. Here's our sales team to tell you all about it." The idea is to highlight the brand's value proposition in a very direct way.

Nutritious and Delicious

Surreal stands out for offering healthy cereals, each packed with beneficial ingredients to start the day with energy. Their products contain no sugar but maintain the flavor expected from a good cereal. "We've called it Surreal because it shouldn't work, but it does, brilliantly," the brand states on its website.


This innovative approach not only grabs attention but also emphasizes Surreal's commitment to providing nutritious breakfast options without compromising on taste. It's a refreshing change in the world of advertising, where health and flavor often seem at odds. Surreal shows that healthy choices can be exciting and delicious. So next time you're in Sainsbury's, keep an eye out for Surreal cereals – they might just surprise you in the best way possible.

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